Monday 28 December 2009

My success journal

This journal is the recorded thoughts and experiences that I will encounter as I go through the journey of finding my success financially.

I will be brutally honest with myself, as time is of the essence and I have spent many years wasted lying to my self, saying everything okay disillusioning myself by believing I should be content where I am.
However in my heart I know the truth and it is; I know there is more out there for me, I know there is more in me, I know I'm not doing what I meant too, I know I'm not fulfilling my purpose the way it should be.

I want to be successful, who doesn't, and being the age that I am now (28) I'm getting more determined and more driven to make my dreams a reality fast!

What's the why behind my determination?

well I believe people do the things they do out of two very basic emotions, they are pleasure or pain; rightly or wrongly I believe my determination at the moment is birth out of pain, meaning fear that I may miss the opportunities to come because I have not put in the foundations now, a example is I want to be not only a loving husband and father but a husband and father that can provide abundantly to my family.
Not only is my fear related to the future but also to the not so distant future my parents are in there 60's and even though they are active and lively I can see that a few short years they will need my help more and if I can't provide for them it will kill me...I don't think I can live with that pain.
so I say to my self now I must be successful, I must get my shit together, I must fight for the future I must fight for success, literally my future depends on it.

What is success?

I guess everyone has there own label for success, but simple this is mine and this is what I want to achieve.

financial abundance : to the point I don't need to worry about it and can give freely to the poeple and causes that are true to my heart.

By being financially abundant I know I will be in better place for 2 major things that are also important to me and that is the following

Relationships: Meeting that very special person who will be my companion for life.

Purpose: fulfilling my spiritual goals and helping the world to be a far greater place.

Money the answer to everything?

Now I know money isn't everything but from observing and experiences the lack of money causes allot of grief allot of pain , allot of unnecessary hurt and broken dreams.
I also believe I have conditioned myself due to my faiths or mindsets that money is the root of evil subconsciously, however the Love of money is ...however I believe the devil, or my lack awareness has lied to me...

Money is a tool and in the right hands it can do wonders, now I know i'm a good person, I know I can bless people after all God created me and you to be a blessing but how can I truely bless people with proper needs like financial if I can't help myself.

Now I believe in praying I really do but there comes a time where praying needs to stop and action and results are needed, the old saying put your money where your mouth is runs true in a deep need or concern I have is if there are starving people due to lack of money and I say I pray for you and buy them some food and leave them to be hungry again in the near future or ... what I would like to do is pray for them, feed them but train them to be financially independent...

And how can I do that if I can't do it myself..

So the above are some of the deep reason behind me finding how to be financially successful and abundant.